Tips 2 Fix
Apple & IOS How To Tech Tips

Can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer [Fixed] – Allow Apps from “Anywhere” in MacOS

MacOS is a sophisticated operating system with a high level of security.
By default, it does not allow you to install applications from unidentified developers. However, besides the many malicious apps that can be found in the unidentified-developer-apps category, there are many quality ones. However, if you ever want to do it, here are all the steps for running an application that ‘can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer’ on your MacOS.

When you see this Message here is the solution for this:

1. Click on the Apple logo on your Mac menu bar. Now, choose System Preferences from the popup menu.

2. Search for Security & Preferences in the System Preferences window. Now, doubleclick it to launch the app.— Clcik General

3. Allow a Single App From Undefined Developers , If you want to install just one specific app from an undefined developer just click open Anyway and you’re Done, try to reinstalled again.

If you are using  macOS Mojave, MacOS Sierra and you see the third option “Anywhere” missing , than you have to follow this steps right now:

  1. Quit out of System Preferences
  2. Open the Terminal app from the /Applications/Utilities/ folder and then enter the following command syntax:

                      sudo spctl –master-disable

3. Hit return and authenticate with an admin password

4.Relaunch System Preferences and go to “Security & Privacy” and the “General” tab

5.You will now see the “Anywhere” option under ‘Allow apps downloaded from:’ Gatekeeper options

6.Click on the Lock icon located at the bottom left corner of the window.

7. Type your username and password and click on Unlock. This will allow you to edit the options in this window.

In the Section “Allow applications downloaded from:” choose Anywhere. This will allow installing applications from all sources.

Thank you for following this advice here in, if you have any question make a comment below.


  1. Jared calixto - May 12, 2022 at 7:50 pm - Reply

    What if it dont let me put my password in ?

  2. […] unidentified developers. However, For more detailed explaining follow the link in tips2fix website.… ——– 1. Open Up “Security & Privacy” and the “General” tab You will […]

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