Tips 2 Fix
Computer & Tech How To

How to Remove Virus That Hides All Files and Folders – USB Show

Did you lost your files from your flash drive?
Dont worry at all here is your solution to bring the files back without any problem.

Download this small software for free, does not require installation process its only executive .exe.

Step.1   Extract and duble click to USB Show.exe.

Step .2  Chose your favorite language. , and click the recovery the hide files.

Step.3  Chose your infected USB Drive , in my case G:

– This Process it will take some minutes if you have to many files and you will show this message:

Step .4   After this Go to My Computer — and duble click to USB Drive , you will se an extra folder with no name , duble click on it and inside you will see all your files and folders.

Step 5. Click on the link and download USB Show Software.

Download USB SHow

or its origin website :


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