Tips 2 Fix
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Many Thanks to our friend  they create an premier pro downgrade converter online.

Premier Pro Project Online Downgrader


This tool is not yet able to convert Premiere 2021 or 2022 projects to earlier versions. I’m working on a fix to this but it’s proving more complicated than I hoped.

A Premiere project (.prproj) file is basically an xml file wrapped up in gzip compression. One of the nodes contains a version number corresponding to the version of Premiere which created it. Premiere checks this when opening a file and refuses to open anything with a lower version number, even when the project is basically compatible: “This project was saved in a newer version of Adobe Premiere Pro and cannot be opened in this version.”

This tool simply changes that version number to ‘1’ and creates a gzip compressed file which Premiere can read. You can perform the same process yourself manually, as described here, however this tool makes it simple.

Because this is a cheat, some filters and effects may be lost when converting.

Convert Now

Another Solution that may works for you:

Fixed “The project could not be loaded, it may be damaged or contain outdated elements.”
I followed above the video but these messages showed up.
How I fixed it.
1 step – Open premiere new version (my version 2024)
Go to File menu\Export\Final Cut Pro XML\ Just save. You don’t need to change anything
2 step – Open premiere old version (my version 2020)
Go to File menu\Open Project\Open XML file
That’s it. I hope it it helps you.
When I open XML file, my premiere 2020 is a few seconds lagged then normally worked.



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