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“Yanny” or “Laurel” the audio clip that’s tearing the internet apart – Tech Explaining

  • Why some peoples hear Yanny and other Hear Laurel ?

So what’s going on here? The clip is playing around with frequency — and it depends on the range of frequencies listeners hear.

Example with clip.

  1. Audio quality is the first evidence .

Here we hear an audio from device from phone or something , as we see the audio is very damaged , low frequency  cuted , and  , so now what do we have here.

So we don’t have the full band frequency and its easy for ear and brain to misunderstand the right world sayedin the clip.

Example Clip with my voice and showing the graphic

Difference between mp3 and wav

  1. Yanny and Laurel Frequency:
  2. Humans typically pay attention to three different frequencies when they’re listening to speech. The lowest of the three frequencies is “absolutely essential” for the L’s and R’s — the consonants that make up “Laurel.”
  3. “So when you’re listening to ‘Laurel,’ the reason you get L, R, and L is because of the movement of that third frequency,” he said.
  4. Here’s the catch. The word “Yanny,” the second frequency, has almost exactly the same pattern as the L, R, L in “Laurel,” he added.
  5. One reason for the confusion is the poor quality of the recording. “Typically, if you have a high-quality recording and you’re listening on a good device of some sort, you’re not ever going to be confused by those,” Story said.
  6. So if you’re hearing “Laurel,” you’re likely picking up on the lower frequency. If you hear “Yanny,” you’re picking up on the higher frequency.

“this is a really cool auditory illusion.”

  1. Why do I hear more one than another.

Inside your ears are small sensors called air cells. They pick up on sound waves and send them to the brain “If you lose all your air cells you can’t hear.” Noise exposure can damage these hair cells, and they don’t grow back.

So now younger ears heard yanny. because have a lot of this sensors and thay are able to chatch all band of frequency especialy higer frequency

Most of us are used to hearing more mid-range frequencies, which could make it even trickier to tell if it’s Laurel or Yanny.

9 . How Match do I have to worry?

From 100 %

You have to worry just 10 %.

This kind of test is exaggerated because its not in the full band of frequency.

In this case, Brain its confused, because frequency are not 100 % pure, not clear.

Frequency are mixed and dirty, and this is not normal .

And the voice now transformed from human voice, to the voice like mine , computer voice, with not all frequency band.

What to do?   Conclusions and Suggestions.

We leave in  cities and countries where the noise are to loud, and our life is very fast, as you know, to have fun and to feel good, young people’s are join party and pubs, they hear music with very loud volume.

All speakers generate frequency, better once are depended in price.

Also the same thing with headphones you use; be careful don’t buy cheap headphones, see only professional brands. Stay away from WiFi headphones.Stay away talking very long in phone use professional headphones only with wire. Don’t stay long. Stay out of stress , go and relax yourselfe in quite places.

so in this case you have to carry on our ear cells.


“this is a really cool auditory illusion.” isn’t  it?

I heard “laurel.” But my coworker heard “yanny.” Welcome to “the dress” debate of 2018.

If you were on Twitter today, you also likely heard the viral four-second audio clip that, depending on the listener, sounded like one word or the other—or in some cases, both. So what weird trick of the human body is making people hear two different words from the same audio file?

Experts say it comes down to the frequencies we hear and, perhaps more importantly, the frequencies we expect to hear.

Brad Story from the University of Arizona’s Speech Acoustics and Physiology Lab took a fine-toothed comb through the clip: “I’m pretty sure the original recording was ‘laurel,'” he says. “The reason it can be confused is that there is a family of frequencies produced by the shape of our throat and mouth.”

The three lowest frequencies are used to encode language as a sound wave. The third frequency distinguishes between l and r. This frequency is high for l, like at the beginning and end of “laurel,” and low for r, as in the middle of “laurel.”

To test this, Story recorded his own voice pronouncing both words and found similarities in the sound patterns for “yanny” and “laurel.” Because the original audio clip isn’t exceptionally clear, it leaves room for interpretation—and that’s where the mental controversy kicks in.

“The way you hear sound is influenced by your life in sound—what you know about sound,” says Nina Kraus from Northwestern University’s Brain Volts lab.

For example, she shared the two audio clips below. When listening to the first one, you hear white noise. When listening to the second, you hear a clear phrase.

Now listen to the first again, and you’ll hear that phrase.

“Part of the answer is the difference between listening and hearing,” says audiologist Douglas Beck, executive director of academic sciences at hearing aid manufacturer Oticon Inc. and senior editor of academic sciences at the audiology trade magazine Hearing Review.
“Most people think of hearing as occurring in the ear, but hearing and listening actually occur in the brain.”

“Hearing is simply perceiving sound,” he adds. “That is, you can hear while you’re asleep, and so in that regard, hearing is passive. Listening is attributing meaning to sound. A host of factors, such as working memory, expectations, language skills, cognitive ability, hearing, musical skills and training, attention and more, influence the many ways people
listen to the same audio clip.”

This background effect in the brain leads to a top-down approach to listening, Story says, in which your brain fills in any missing pieces with what you expect to hear. Because the viral version of the audio clip isn’t crisp, it leaves ambiguity, and your brain fills in the rest.

“They were primed to hear ‘laurel’ or ‘yanny,’” says Story. “They may have made their decision for what they’re listening for” before the clip is even played. To truly test how someone perceives the clip, he notes, you would have to play it without any visual cues and simply ask, What do you hear?

As the clip spreads across social media, however, it may be getting harder to find truly unbiased listeners.

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